Powering New Frontiers
Nuclear batteries offer dependable power for everything from ground-based remote sensors to satellites in space.
nuclear batteries
Our digital, interconnected world demands long lasting, predictable power. Yet, the chemical batteries powering modern devices like laptops, cell phones, and electric cars are constrained by their operational physics. Factors such as usage and age affect battery life of these devices, making predicting failure challenging. In contrast, nuclear batteries outperform their chemical counterparts by offering continuous power and a known lifespan.
Nusano’s production platform can create more than 40 radioisotopes, including isotopes needed for nuclear battery applications.
A Half-life well spent
The “power” in a nuclear battery is produced by decay of an isotope. Radioisotopes decay at a consistent rate (half-life), which means the lifespan of a nuclear battery is known and can be planned for well in advance.
Batteries powered by a nuclear source are well known within industry circles and have successfully been used in space exploration, microelectronics, and medical devices.
Nuclear batteries can reliably fuel the next generation of remote sensors and actuators, laying the groundwork for a transformational shift in modern logistics and daily routines.
The novel properties of nuclear batteries offer unmatched potential for a wide range of industries and applications, including as healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture.

The internet of things
When deployed at scale, nuclear batteries could form the backbone of an expanding network of interconnected devices, facilitating seamless communication and task execution. This is often referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT).
Envisioned as a physical network, IoT interconnects sensors and actuators with computing systems, enabling real-time monitoring of various entities, including nature, humans, and machinery.
IoT essentials, such as remote sensors and actuators, demand minimal power for continuous monitoring or sporadic higher-power needs. Therefore, a nuclear battery’s compact size and high reliability make it an optimal choice in many IoT applications. Furthermore, nuclear batteries can be integrated into circuit boards produced by micro-scale fabrication methods – making the batteries deployable at scale, directly within the devices they power.
The IoT is estimated to encompass over 200 billion interconnected devices today, impacting diverse sectors like vehicles, offices, city, retail, human health. It is projected to generate between $5.5 trillion and $12.6 trillion in economic value by 2030.
Nusano production platform
Nusano’s patented technologies and methods are poised to transform radioisotope production and enable more widespread use of nuclear battery technology.
Contact us to discuss your needs and learn more about Nusano’s battery technology pipeline.

Detailed technical information and validation data is available to qualified investors and research partners. If interested in learning more about the Nusano production platform, please contact us.